Sentaurus Device
17. Special Focus: External Model Interfaces – CMI, PMI, Tcl CurrentPlot

17.1 Overview
         17.1.1 Compiling PMIs
         17.1.2 Using External Interface Models
17.2 Compact Model Interfaces
         17.2.1 CMI: Coupled Inductance
         17.2.2 CMI: Electrothermal Resistor
17.3 PMI: Generation–Recombination
         17.3.1 PMI Avalanche Generation: Okuto Model
         17.3.2 PMI Recombination: Auger Model
         17.3.3 PMI Lifetimes: Temperature-Dependent Scharfetter
         17.3.4 PMI Nonlocal Recombination Model: Point-to-Point Tunneling Model
17.4 PMI: Mobility
         17.4.1 PMI Mobility: Implementing Lombardi, Canali, and Masetti Models
17.5 PMI: Semiconductor Band Structure
         17.5.1 PMI Band Gap: Default Bandgap Model
         17.5.2 PMI Bandgap Narrowing: Bennett–Wilson Model
         17.5.3 PMI Effective Mass: Linear Model
         17.5.4 PMI Electron Affinity: Default Affinity Model
17.6 PMI: Phase and State Transitions
         17.6.1 PMI Multistate Configuration–Dependent Apparent Band-Edge Shift: PCM Device
17.7 PMI: Thermal Properties and Heat
         17.7.1 PMI Heat Capacity: Constant and Rational Models
         17.7.2 PMI Thermal Conductivity: Temperature-Dependent Model
         17.7.3 PMI Thermal Conductivity: Thin Layer Model
17.8 PMI: Optics
         17.8.1 CRIMI k for Silicon: RSS Model
         17.8.2 CRIMI n&k for HgCdTe: Hougen Model
         17.8.3 PMI Optical Quantum Yield: Bandgap Step Function
17.9 PMI: Mechanical Stress
         17.9.1 PMI Mobility Stress Factor: Effective Stress Model
         17.9.2 PMI Piezoelectric Polarization: Gaussian Polarization
         17.9.3 PMI Stress: Set Constant Stress
17.10 PMI: Simulation Controls
         17.10.1 PMI CurrentPlot: Interpolated Potential
         17.10.2 PMI CurrentPlot: Plot Multistate Configuration Occupancies
         17.10.3 PMI Newton Step
17.11 PMI: Various
         17.11.1 PMI Energy Relaxation Time: Constant and Rational Models
         17.11.2 PMI Hot Carrier Injection: Lucky Electron Model
         17.11.3 PMI Incomplete Ionization: Ionization Factors
         17.11.4 PMI Space Factor: Read PMIUserField
17.12 Tcl CurrentPlot: Compute Conductivity


17.1 Overview

Sentaurus Device allows to add user-defined models in different ways:

As PMIs and CMIs are handled in the same way, for simplicity, in this section, they are referred to simply as PMI. Unless otherwise mentioned, the described PMI features also apply to the CMI and the complex refractive index model interface (CRIMI).

PMIs are written in C++ (*.C) and must be compiled with the same compiler version and options as Sentaurus Device. The compiled files (*.os.linux64) are loaded directly into Sentaurus Device. Therefore, a PMI must be compiled for a particular TCAD Sentaurus release. Otherwise, Sentaurus Device might terminate.

To check whether a PMI has been compiled for a particular release, enter the following in a shell:

> strings | grep version
Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD version T-2022.03

In contrast, Tcl CurrentPlot files do not require any compilation and can be used for all releases.

17.1.1 Compiling PMIs

To compile a PMI for a particular Sentaurus Device version, the compiler version must be identical to the one used to compile Sentaurus Device. You can check the compiler version of Sentaurus Device as follows:

> sdevice --compiler
gcc version 7.3.0 (GCC)

Next, check whether your gcc has the same version:

> gcc -v
gcc version 7.3.0 (GCC)

Finally, you can double-check whether all PATH settings are correct and the compilation script cmi does indeed find the correct compiler by using:

> cmi -a
Sentaurus cmi invokes the following C++ compiler to produce a shared object
file (output of the command "g++ --version"):

g++ (GCC) 7.3.0
The following version of the C++ compiler was used by Synopsys to compile
Sentaurus tools (output of the command "/depot/qsc/QSCR/bin/g++ -v"):
gcc version 7.3.0 (GCC) 

NOTE: These two C++ compiler versions should be identical.
      Otherwise, update your UNIX search path.

If the gcc version installed on your system differs from the one used to compile Sentaurus Device, then first install the same gcc version on your machine before compiling any PMIs for Sentaurus Device.

Now, you can compile your PMI with:

> cmi pmi_my_special_model.C

17.1.2 Using External Interface Models

PMIs and Tcl CurrentPlot scripts share the same common search path defined by PMIPath. CMIs use the search path defined by CMIPath. Ensure that, in the Sentaurus Device command file, PMIPath and CMIPath are set correctly and point to your model file:

File { ...
  CMIPath = "/path/to/my/special/cmi/model"
  PMIPath = "/path/to/my/special/pmi/model"

17.2 Compact Model Interfaces

This section presents CMIs.

17.2.1 CMI: Coupled Inductance

This example demonstrates how to implement a coupled inductance as a CMI. The coupled inductor modifies the input sinusoidal signal depending on the values of the self-inductances L1 and L2, and the mutual inductance coefficient k.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the CMI file coupled.C.

Click to view the compact circuit file coupled.ccf.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/cmi_dynamic.

For more details, see the Compact Models User Guide, Chapter 4, Example: Coupled Inductance.

17.2.2 CMI: Electrothermal Resistor

This example demonstrates how to implement a thermoelectric resistance as a CMI. Tuning the linear temperature coefficient alpha can control the temperature dependence of the resistor.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the CMI file tres.C.

Click to view the compact circuit file tres.ccf.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/cmi_tres.

For more details, see the Compact Models User Guide, Chapter 4, Example: Implementing the Electrothermal Resistor Model.

17.3 PMI: Generation–Recombination

This section presents generation–recombination PMIs.

17.3.1 PMI Avalanche Generation: Okuto Model

This PMI allows you to introduce an additional generation term due to impact ionization into the electron and hole continuity equations. The example implements the Okuto avalanche model as a PMI and compares the breakdown I–V characteristics of a silicon resistor with the built-in model.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file using the simplified C++ interface pmi_Okuto.C.

Click to view the PMI file using the standard C++ interface pmi_Okuto_std.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_avalanche.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Avalanche Generation.

17.3.2 PMI Recombination: Auger Model

This PMI allows you to introduce an additional generation–recombination term into the electron and hole continuity equations. For example, you can implement the built-in Auger recombination model as a PMI and compute the dark current of a 1D silicon diode.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_recomb.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_recomb.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Generation–Recombination.

17.3.3 PMI Lifetimes: Temperature-Dependent Scharfetter

This PMI allows you to implement new models for the electron and hole lifetimes in the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) or the coupled defect level (CDL) recombination models.

For example, you can implement a model for doping-dependent (Scharfetter) and temperature-dependent (power law) lifetimes: \[τ = [τ_{min} + {τ_{max} - τ_{min}} / {1 + ({N_i}/{N_{ref}})^γ}]⋅(T/{T_0})^α\] as a PMI to compute the SRH recombination in a 1D silicon diode.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_lifetime.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_lifetime.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Lifetimes.

17.3.4 PMI Nonlocal Recombination Model: Point-to-Point Tunneling Model

This PMI allows you to compute electron and hole recombination rates of a vertex that depends on arbitrary values of remote vertices.

The example demonstrates a point-to-point tunneling model for a 1D abrupt p-n junction. The tunneling rate r is computed by comparing the electron and hole quasi-Fermi (\(Φ_{n,1},Φ_{p,2}\)) potentials between two vertices v1 and v2. If \(Φ_{n,1} < Φ_{p,2}\), then: \[r = A e^{-B(E_{V,2} - E_{C,1})^2} Δ/{1+Δ}\] with \(Δ = Φ_{p,2} - Φ_{n,1} \).

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_tunneling_recomb.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_nonlocal_recomb.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Nonlocal Generation–Recombination.

17.4 PMI: Mobility

This section presents mobility PMIs.

17.4.1 PMI Mobility: Implementing Lombardi, Canali, and Masetti Models

This PMI provides direct access to the mobility models. Three types of mobility model are supported: doping-dependent mobility, mobility degradation at interfaces, and high-field saturation.

For example, you can implement the built-in doping-dependent Masetti model, a simplified version of the built-in Lombardi model for degradation at interfaces, and the built-in high-field saturation Canali model as PMIs to compute the Id–Vg and Id–Vd characteristics in a MOSFET.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI files using the simplified C++ interface pmi_dopingdep.C, pmi_enormal.C, and pmi_highfield.C.

Click to view the PMI files using the standard C++ interface pmi_dopingdep_std.C, pmi_enormal_std.C, and pmi_highfield_std.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_mobility.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Mobility.

17.5 PMI: Semiconductor Band Structure

This section presents PMIs related to the semiconductor band structure.

17.5.1 PMI Band Gap: Default Bandgap Model

This PMI allows you to implement a new bandgap model. You can use any formula as a function of temperature for the band gap.

For example, you can implement the default temperature-dependent bandgap model: \[E_g(T) = E_g(0) - {α T^2}/{T+β}\] as a PMI and compute the current of a 1D silicon diode (reference: W. Bludau, A. Onton, and W. Heinke, "Temperature dependence of the band gap in silicon," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1846–1848, 1974).

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_bg.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_bg.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Band Gap.

17.5.2 PMI Bandgap Narrowing: Bennett–Wilson Model

This PMI allows you to implement a new bandgap narrowing model. The amount of bandgap narrowing is computed as a function of total doping. First, acceptor and donor dopings are read, and then they are added to find the total doping. You can use any formula as a function of the total doping to find the amount of bandgap narrowing.

For example, you can implement the Bennett–Wilson bandgap narrowing model of Sentaurus Device given by: \[ΔE_g^0 = \{\table E_{ref}⋅[ln({N_{tot}}/{N_{ref}})]^2, N_{tot} ≥ N_{ref}; 0, \text otherwise\] as a PMI and compute the current of a 1D silicon diode (reference: H. S. Bennett and C. L. Wilson, "Statistical comparisons of data on band-gap narrowing in heavily doped silicon: Electrical and optical measurements," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 3582–3587, 1984).

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_bgn.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_bgn.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Bandgap Narrowing.

17.5.3 PMI Effective Mass: Linear Model

This PMI allows you to implement a new effective mass model for electrons and holes. You can use any formula as a function of temperature T for the electron and hole effective masses.

For example, you can implement a linear effective mass model, where the effective mass changes linearly with temperature: \[m_e = m_{e,300} + δ_e ⋅ (T-300)\] and \[m_h = m_{h,300} + δ_h ⋅ (T-300)\]

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_effmass.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_effmass.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Effective Mass.

17.5.4 PMI Electron Affinity: Default Affinity Model

This PMI implements a user-defined fraction of the bandgap shrinkage to add to the affinity. For example, you can compare the default built-in silicon affinity model as a function of temperature: \[χ(T) = χ(0) + {α T^2}/{2(T+β)}\] with the PMI model.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_affinity.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_affinity.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Electron Affinity.

17.6 PMI: Phase and State Transitions

This section presents PMIs related to phase and state transitions.

17.6.1 PMI Multistate Configuration–Dependent Apparent Band-Edge Shift: PCM Device

This example demonstrates the usage of a multistate configuration capture and emission PMI (pmi_ce_msconfig) for a process compact model (PCM) device, modeled by a three-state model representing the crystalline, amorphous, and melted phases. As band-edge shift models for the conduction band and the valence band, an apparent band-edge shift model (pmi_abes) with multistate configuration dependency is used.

Click to view the command files dc_des.cmd, reset_des.cmd, and set_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI files pmi_ce_msconfig.C and pmi_abes.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_msc_abes.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Multistate Configuration–Dependent Apparent Band-Edge Shift and Chapter 39, Trap Capture and Emission Rates.

17.7 PMI: Thermal Properties and Heat

This section presents PMIs related to thermal properties and heat.

17.7.1 PMI Heat Capacity: Constant and Rational Models

This PMI allows you to implement a new heat capacity model to be used with heat simulations. You can use any formula as a function of temperature T.

For example, you can implement two heat capacity models: a constant model that replicates the constant model in Sentaurus Device and a rational model that implements the formula: \[c_L = a + bT + c/T^2\]

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file for the constant model pmi_heatcapacity.C.

Click to view the PMI file for the rational model pmi_rational.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_heatcapacity.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Heat Capacity.

17.7.2 PMI Thermal Conductivity: Temperature-Dependent Model

This PMI allows you to implement a new thermal conductivity model to be used with heat simulations. You can use any formula as a function of temperature T.

For example, you can implement the temperature-dependent resistivity models: \[κ = 1/{a + b T + c T^2} \]

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file using the simplified C++ interface pmi_thermalcond.C.

Click to view the PMI file using the standard C++ interface pmi_thermalcond_std.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_thermalcond.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Thermal Conductivity.

17.7.3 PMI Thermal Conductivity: Thin Layer Model

This PMI implements a user-defined thermal conductivity model that depends on the layer thickness and doping concentration according to the following formula: \[ κ = κ_0 ⋅ [a_2 (d-d_0)^2 + a_1 (d-d_0) + a_0)⋅ e^{α (d-d_0)}] ⋅ [b_2 (h-h_0)^2 + b_1 (h-h_0) + b_0)⋅ e^{β (h-h_0)}] \] where \(d, a, α\) are doping-related quantities and \(h, b, β\) are thickness-related quantities.

For example, you can compare the heating behavior of a thin silicon layer for two artificial parameter sets of the given PMI model.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_thinlayer_kappa.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_thinlayerkappa.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Example: Thin-Layer Thermal Conductivity.

17.8 PMI: Optics

This section presents PMIs related to optics.

17.8.1 CRIMI k for Silicon: RSS Model

This example demonstrates how to implement the Rajkanan, Singh, and Shewchun (RSS) temperature-dependent optical absorption model for silicon using the CRIMI (reference: K. Rajkanan, R. Singh, and J. Shewchun, "Absorption Coefficient of Silicon for Solar Cell Calculations," Solid-State Electronics, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 793–795, 1979). The model is valid within an error of 20% for a temperature range of 20 K to 500 K, and a wavelength range of 0.3–1.1 μm.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the CMI file crimi_k_si_rss.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/crimi_k_si_rss.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Complex Refractive Index Model Interface.

17.8.2 CRIMI n&k for HgCdTe: Hougen Model

This example demonstrates how to implement a mole fraction–dependent and temperature-dependent model for the complex refractive index of Hg1–xCdxTe. The model was calibrated in the temperature range of 80 K to 300 K for infrared, that is, in the wavelength range 5–15 μm (reference: C. A. Hougen, "Model for infrared absorption and transmission of liquid-phase epitaxy HgCdTe," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3763–3766, 1989;

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the CMI file crimi_nk_hgcdte_hougen.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/crimi_nk_hgcdte_hougen.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Complex Refractive Index Model Interface.

17.8.3 PMI Optical Quantum Yield: Bandgap Step Function

This PMI allows you to create sophisticated quantum yield models to define how absorbed photon density is converted to optical generation. This simple example rebuilds the bandgap step function built-in model.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_qy_eg.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_quantumyield.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Optical Quantum Yield.

17.9 PMI: Mechanical Stress

This section presents PMIs related to mechanical stress.

17.9.1 PMI Mobility Stress Factor: Effective Stress Model

This PMI provides access to the stress-dependent isotropic mobility enhancement factors for modeling the piezoresistive effect.

For example, you can implement the built-in effective stress model as a PMI to simulate the effect of mechanical stress on the Id–Vg characteristics of a MOSFET.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_EffectiveStressModel.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_mobilitystressfactor.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Mobility Stress Factor.

17.9.2 PMI Piezoelectric Polarization: Gaussian Polarization

This PMI allows you to add piezoelectric polarization, which enters the Poisson equation as an additional charge.

The example demonstrates a spatially Gaussian-shaped polarization vector: \[P = (\table A e^{-c (x - x_0)^2}; 0; 0)\]

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_polarization.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_polarization.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Piezoelectric Polarization.

17.9.3 PMI Stress: Set Constant Stress

This PMI allows you to compute user-defined mechanical stress. The example sets a constant stress.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_stress.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_stress.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Stress.

17.10 PMI: Simulation Controls

This section presents PMIs related to simulation controls.

17.10.1 PMI CurrentPlot: Interpolated Potential

This PMI allows you to access data on the entire device and to plot arbitrary data into the current plot file. The example demonstrates how to plot the interpolated value of the electrostatic potential for a certain coordinate position. The feature is demonstrated for the standard and simplified C++ interfaces.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file using the standard C++ interface pmi_currentplot.C.

Click to view the PMI file using the simplified C++ interface pmi_float_currentplot.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_currentplot.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Current Plot File.

17.10.2 PMI CurrentPlot: Plot Multistate Configuration Occupancies

This example demonstrates the usage of the CurrentPlot PMI pmi_cp to plot the maximum, minimum, and average state occupation probabilities of one multistate configuration in one region.

Click to view the corresponding PMI file pmi_cp.C.

Click to view the command file reset_des.cmd.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_msc_currentplot.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Current Plot File.

17.10.3 PMI Newton Step

This PMI allows you to precompute data during Newton iterations. The PMI provides access to the device mesh and device data, and can access PMI functions to print messages to the log file.

The example demonstrates the usage of the PMI for quasistationary, transient, and continuation simulations in single device mode (pin, latchup) and mixed mode (latchupMM).

Click to view the command files pin_des.cmd, latchup_des.cmd, and latchupMM_des.cmd.

Click to view the different implementations of PMI files pmiNewtonStep.C, pmi_float_newtonstep.C, and pmi_double_newtonstep.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_newtonstep.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Preprocessing for Newton Iterations and Newton Step Control.

17.11 PMI: Various

This section presents various PMIs.

17.11.1 PMI Energy Relaxation Time: Constant and Rational Models

This PMI allows you to implement a new energy relaxation time model for electrons and holes to be used with hydrodynamic simulations. You can use any formula as a function of electron and hole temperatures Tn and Tp.

For example, you can implement two energy relaxation time models: a constant model that replicates the constant model in Sentaurus Device and a rational model that implements the formulas:
\[\table τ_{en} = {a_e T_n + b_e}/{T_n + c_e}, , , τ_{hp} = {a_h T_p + b_h}/{T_p + c_h}\]

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file for the constant model pmi_erelaxtime.C.

Click to view the PMI file for the rational model pmi_rational.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_erelaxtime.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Energy Relaxation Times.

17.11.2 PMI Hot Carrier Injection: Lucky Electron Model

This PMI allows you to implement a new hot carrier injection model. The model can be used to compute the gate current and can be limited to a single carrier type by specifying the carrier type after the model name. For example: PMI_LuckyModel(electron)

For example, you can implement the lucky electron model and run the model on an NMOSFET to compute the gate current.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file PMI_LuckyModel.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_hotcarrierinj.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Hot-Carrier Injection.

17.11.3 PMI Incomplete Ionization: Ionization Factors

This PMI allows you to introduce new equations for the ionization factors of the incomplete ionization model. For example, you can implement the Matsuura model as a PMI and compute the concentration of ionized impurity atoms in a SiC resistor at different temperatures.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_incomplete.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_incomplete.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Incomplete Ionization.

17.11.4 PMI Space Factor: Read PMIUserField

This PMI allows you to compute arbitrary user-defined space distributions for metal workfunctions, traps, bond concentrations, extended nonradiative multiphonon model precursor concentrations, and piezoresistance enhancement factors.

The example compares a trap space factor set directly from PMIUserField1 with a PMI that reads PMIUserField1.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the PMI file pmi_spacefactor.C.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/pmi_spacefactor.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 39, Space Factor.

17.12 Tcl CurrentPlot: Compute Conductivity

The Tcl CurrentPlot interface is a convenient way to compute composite result values at each solution point. This example demonstrates the inline capabilities using a few lines in the Sentaurus Device command file, as well as using an external Tcl file for more complex tasks.

Click to view the command file sdevice_des.cmd.

Click to view the corresponding Tcl file conductivity.tcl.

The complete project can be investigated from within Sentaurus Workbench in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/sdevice/pmi/tcl_currentplot.

For more details, see the Sentaurus™ Device User Guide, Chapter 40.

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