2.1 Opening Sentaurus Workbench Projects
2.2 Understanding Node Colors
2.3 Running Projects
2.4 Selecting Nodes to Run
2.5 Displaying Node Output and Node Information
2.6 Viewing Simulation Results
2.7 Visualizing Selected Nodes Together
In this section, you will use the project SimpleMOS, which is located in the directory Applications_Library/GettingStarted/swb/.
To open the SimpleMOS project:
The project opens on the Project tab of the main window (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Project tab showing tool flow (black box), project parameters (blue box), and simulation tree (red box). (Click image for full-size view.)
The tool flow refers to the sequence of simulation tools and their associated input files. In the SimpleMOS project, these are Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Device, and Sentaurus Visual as seen in Figure 1. Below the tool flow, the project parameters (Lg, NWell, and so on) are listed.
To display the corresponding node numbers:
A complete sequence of simulation nodes (comprising all tools in the tool flow) form an experiment, that is, an experiment is a complete horizontal line in the table. Any number of experiments is possible for a given tool flow if parameters are used.
To the right of the tool flow, there are variables and extracted electrical parameters from the simulated Id–Vg characteristics: tox, Vtgm, Id, SS, and gm (use the scroll bar to see them all). When the simulation is completed, the extracted electrical values appear in their respective columns.
Each simulation node in a project has a color that indicates its status. The color chart in the lower-right corner of the main window (see Figure 2) indicates what each color means.
Figure 2. Colors indicating different node statuses.
For example, when the project SimpleMOS is opened, the nodes are white, indicating that the nodes were not simulated previously. This is because a ready-to-run project has been copied from the Applications_Library.
The way in which a Sentaurus Workbench project is displayed is very flexible. You can choose to display solely the tool flow, or the number of the simulation nodes, or to display parameters (splits), variables, extracted values, and other details.
To use this feature:
To run a project:
Figure 3. Run Project dialog box.
Sentaurus Workbench runs the project, and the Project Log dialog box is displayed (see Figure 4) with real-time updates on the status of the project.
Figure 4. Project Log dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)
As the simulation runs, the nodes change status from "none" (white) to "queued" (light green) to "pending" (bright green) to "running" (blue) and finally to "done" (yellow). If a node fails, then it becomes "failed" (red).
To stop a running simulation:
After the project run is completed, all variables are extracted (tox, Vtgm, Id, SS, and gm) and displayed to the right of the tool flow on the Project tab.
Instead of running an entire project, you can run only a subset of nodes. To do this, you can select the nodes in the table (hold the Ctrl key to select multiple nodes). For example, to run only the Sentaurus Process nodes associated with LDD_Dose=1e+14, select nodes 9, 11, 13, and 15, and then click OK (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. Selecting nodes in the table. (Click image for full-size view.)
To run an entire experiment (row), click the row number. Multiple rows can be selected as well.
To select all nodes to the right of a certain node, that is, to run all nodes starting with a particular one, click that node and choose Nodes > Extend Selection To > Leaves.
Similarly, all nodes that must be completed before a particular node can be run are selected using Nodes > Extend Selection To > Root. Other node selection criteria can be found by choosing Nodes > Select.
To find the properties of any node, double-click the node. The Node Explorer opens (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Node Explorer window. (Click image for full-size view.)
In the Node Explorer, the data belonging to a node is split into three groups:
Some of the output files can be associated with a file viewer, which opens immediately when you click Launch. Text files are displayed in the file viewer in the right pane, where you can search and scroll through the selected content.
In addition, the information written to standard output, when a simulation is running, can be viewed by choosing Nodes > View Output, or pressing Ctrl+W.
A given node has several input and output files associated with it. These can be
viewed by right-clicking a node and choosing Visualize. You can
view all the text and log files, using the text editor, by selecting them.
Alternatively, to view the output of a node, click the
toolbar button and select an option.
Sentaurus Visual is the primary tool used to visualize the resulting structures
from process simulations, mesh and structure generation, as well as the
device simulation results, such as I–V curves. To invoke Sentaurus Visual quickly
on all available files for visualization, click the
toolbar button.
One of the most common tasks in Sentaurus Workbench is to compare simulation characteristics of different experiments to each other.
You can easily use this functionality when coding your visualization scripts. The projects GettingStarted/swb/SimpleMOS and GettingStarted/swb/SimpleMOS_py demonstrate this capability for Sentaurus Visual Tcl and Python modes, respectively. However, the approach applies to any visualization tool.
Start Sentaurus Workbench, copy and open the project, and run all the nodes. Then, select several Sentaurus Visual nodes that correspond to the same Vd bias condition. Alternatively, you can select these nodes by an expression as follows:
For more details, see Section 7.1 Node Selection by Expression.
After you select the nodes, click the Run Selected Visualizer Nodes Together toolbar button to generate all of the corresponding curves in Sentaurus Visual as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. SimpleMOS project showing the toolbar button to launch all visualization scripts together. (Click image for full-size view.)
Sentaurus Visual assembles all of the corresponding Id–Vgs curves in one plot (see Figure 8). The legend contains only those Sentaurus Workbench parameters required to uniquely identify each selected curve.
Figure 8. Assembled Sentaurus Visual curves. (Click image for full-size view.)
Technically, Sentaurus Workbench performs the following steps when you click the Run Selected Visualizer Nodes Together button:
To ensure that Sentaurus Workbench preprocesses the selected nodes before concatenating the preprocessed scripts, you must preprocess the selected nodes manually by pressing Ctrl+P. To force Sentaurus Workbench to automatically preprocess the selected nodes, you must set Visualization > Run Selected Visualizer Nodes Together > Always Preprocess Nodes to Yes in the preferences. Preferences are discussed in Section 5. Preferences and Settings.
Sentaurus Workbench adds the following global preset variables:
The following preset variables are specific to each node:
As the preprocessed command files are executed sequentially in the same Sentaurus Visual session, consider the following points:
create_curve -name IdVg(@node@)...
if {[llength [list_plots Plot_1D]]==0} { create_plot -1d -name Plot_1D ... }
# set curve properties only if script is called through run visualizer button if {[info exists runVisualizerNodesTogether]} { ... }
# determine sdevice node status set status @[gproject::GetNodeStatus @node|sdevice@]@ ...
# Extract curve parameters only when sdevice node has status done if { $status == "done" } { load_library extract ... }
set_curve_prop IdVg($n) -label "IdVg $legend" \ -color $color -line_style $line -line_width 3
Click to view the commented Sentaurus Visual command file IdVg_vis.tcl.
Here are the equivalent Sentaurus Visual Python commands:
n = @node@ sv.create_curve(name=f'IdVg({n}})', ...
if 'Plot_1D' not in sv.list_plots(): sv.create_plot(name='Plot_1D', xy=True) ...
# Set curve properties only if script is run using Run Visualizer Nodes Together if 'runVisualizerNodesTogether' in globals(): ...
# Determine Sentaurus Device node status status = '@[gproject::GetNodeStatus @node|sdevice@]@' ... # Extract device parameters only when Sentaurus Device node has status done if status == 'done': # Import extraction module import svisualpylib.extract as ext ...
sv.set_curve_prop( f'IdVg({n})', plot='Plot_1D', color=color, label=f'IdVg {legend}', line_style=line, line_width=3 )
Click to view the commented Sentaurus Visual command file IdVg_vis.py.
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