Sentaurus Mesh
5. Axis-Aligned Mesh Options

5.1 Mesh Smoothing
5.2 Mesh Delaunization


5.1 Mesh Smoothing

By default, Sentaurus Mesh applies an automatic mesh-smoothing procedure when constructing a mesh to ensure that the mesh-element aspect ratio (the relative difference between adjacent mesh element edges) is maintained.

You can control mesh-smoothing by changing the parameters in the AxisAligned section of the Sentaurus Mesh command file, including:

AxisAligned {
  smoothing = true | false
  maxAspectRatio = float
  maxNeighborRatio = float
  minEdgeLength = float
  maxAngle = float
  xCuts = floatlist
  yCuts = floatlist
  zCuts = floatlist
  fitInterfaces = true | false


For the rest of the parameters of the AxisAligned section, refer to the Sentaurus™ Mesh User Guide.

The Applications_Library/GettingStarted/snmesh/Smoothing Sentaurus Workbench project demonstrates how mesh-smoothing controls work for the above examples. To work with this project, copy it to a local directory within your Sentaurus Workbench working directory.

The Sentaurus Mesh tool instances labeled NoSmooth and Smooth demonstrate the consequence of the smoothing deactivation for the previously shown device structure (see Figure 1).

With (left) smoothing=true and (right) smoothing=false

Figure 1. (Left) With smoothing=true and (right) with smoothing=false. (Click image for full-size view.)

Using smoothing=false, the mesh-step propagation from the material with the smaller step (oxide) towards the material with the higher step definition (silicon) is suppressed.

The next example illustrates the influence of the maxNeighborRatio parameter value on the mesh step smoothing for the previously shown example, with one order of magnitude step difference inside and outside the rectangular area, located in the middle of the device (see Figure 2).

With (left) maxNeighborRatio=2, (middle) maxNeighborRatio=4, and (right) maxNeighborRatio=8

Figure 2. (Left) With maxNeighborRatio=2, (middle) maxNeighborRatio=4, and (right) maxNeighborRatio=8. (Click image for full-size view.)

The Sentaurus Mesh tool instance labeled NB_Ratio demonstrates the consequence of maxNeighborRatio control settings. Together with the smoothing control examples above, it is contained in the Applications_Library/GettingStarted/snmesh/Smoothing Sentaurus Workbench project.

5.2 Mesh Delaunization

Mesh delaunization is a mandatory meshing step. It produces final grids suitable for the box discretization method, which is used in Sentaurus Process and Sentaurus Device. Delaunization is the most critical part in the case of 3D meshing, which requires some occasional compromises to produce a suitable mesh in terms of quality and size (node count). For 2D meshing, fully Delaunay grids are usually produced.

The delaunization step focuses on several targets. The major ones are:

Delaunay Triangulation Criterion

Delaunay triangulation requires that the smallest circumscribed sphere around the element boundary faces and ridges must be free of points. This ensures that the following key features in the numeric 2D or 3D process or device simulators are guaranteed:
  • There is mass conservation within each control volume.
  • The material-dependent properties are encapsulated properly.
  • The normal fluxes across the control surfaces can be evaluated easily.

The delaunization step controls are in the Delaunizer section of the Sentaurus Mesh command file:

Delaunizer {
  coplanarityAngle = float
  coplanarityDistance = float
  delaunayTolerance = float
  edgeProximity = float
  faceProximity = float
  maxAngle = float
  maxConnectivity = float
  maxNeighborRatio = float
  maxPoints = integer
  maxSolidAngle = float
  maxTetQuality = float
  minAngle = float
  minEdgeLength = float
  sliverAngle = float
  sliverDistance = float
  sliverRemovalAlgorithm = integer
  storeDelaunayWeight = true | false
  type = boxmethod | conforming | constrained


For the rest of the parameters of the Delaunizer section, refer to the Sentaurus™ Mesh User Guide.

Figure 3 shows the results of varying the value of minAngle for the previously shown example.

Mesh with minAngle equal to (left) 5 degrees, (middle) 15 degrees, and (right) 30 degrees.

Figure 3. Mesh with minAngle equal to (left) 5°, (middle) 15°, and (right) 30°. (Click image for full-size view.)

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