Sentaurus Data Explorer
2. Working With Tcl/Tk Scripts

2.1 Overview
2.2 Examples


2.1 Overview

In addition to using Sentaurus Data Explorer from the command line with some options as explained in Section 1. Command-Line Functionality, Sentaurus Data Explorer can be used in batch mode together with a script in the Tcl/Tk programming language. This allows more complex operations than the command-line options.

The file name of the script must be specified with the option -tcl <filename>, while the -b option specifies that Sentaurus Data Explorer will be executed in batch mode.

2.2 Examples

The example Applications_Library/GettingStarted/tdx/modify_field reads a structure (start.tdr) and replaces the arsenic doping in polysilicon by a constant value.

Several loops through the structure geometries and regions are performed to find regions that belong to polysilicon material. When a polysilicon region is found, a loop over all datasets is performed for that region, and the data values for the arsenic dataset are replaced with the 5*1020 cm–3 value.

Click to view the primary file tdx_tdx.tcl.

In certain situations, you must rename fields in TDR files. This can be performed with a script such as the following:

set f_in infile_des.tdr
set f_out outfile_tdx.tdr
TdrFileOpen $f_in

TdrDatasetRename $f_in "eTrappedCharge" "PMIUserField0"
TdrDatasetRenameQuantity $f_in "eTrappedCharge" "PMIUserField0"

TdrFileSave $f_in $f_out
TdrFileClose $f_in

The first two lines define the input and output file names. The third line opens the input file. With the next two lines, the field eTrappedCharge is renamed to PMIUserField0. Then, a file with the new dataset name is saved.

Data fields can be deleted by either specifying the exact name or specifying a pattern.

With the following line, the field StressXX is deleted:

TdrDatasetDeleteByName $f_in "StressXX"

With the following lines, all fields starting with the string Stress are deleted:

set pattern {Stress.*}
TdrDatasetDeleteByName $f_in $pattern

For a full list of commands, see the Sentaurus™ Data Explorer User Guide.

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